Vogue or Elle...

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Here's an interesting buzz article I came across on Yahoo.

Fashion Mag Smackdown
By Molly McCall

As "The Devil Wears Prada" continues its stiletto-shod trek across the big screen and the third season of "Project Runway" sashays its way across the small screen, we couldn't help but wonder: What happens when Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue (and the inspiration for "Devil") meets up with Nina Garcia, fashion director of Elle (and eye-fluttering co-judge on "Runway")? D

o they air kiss and make like girlfriends? Or do they hiss and back away, the Fendi fur flying?

The chance of our glimpsing such an encounter is about as tiny as Heidi Klum's waist, so we resorted to the next best thing—a showdown between the two fashion mags, web-style. Where do the look books fall in the big popularity challenge known as Buzz? And how does each editrix fare with searchers?

Take a ringside seat and find out...

Check the complete article here.

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