Loving Avalon.ph...

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Check out www.avalon.ph.

It's quite similar to EBay, but almost all the items are books, books and more books.

One of the things why I really like the site is because the titles are very good, and there are a number of hard-to-find titles available on the site. (Also available are signed copies of some books.) Another good thing about the items on this site is the price. It's very cheap!!!

My first purchase from this site is a hardback copy of Lauren Weisberger's "The Devil Wears Prada."

How much did it cost me???

Only P500. Yes, it's second hand but the copy I got was really in very good condition. You should check out the items being sold by macs01. (I think he's the site owner.)

Other titles I'm planning to buy are Michael Chabon's Kavalier and Clay (which I'm currently enjoying thanks to Cheacherchowee, but I still have to finish it), and maybe books from David Sedaris and some chick lit titles. Hehehe!

The only downer is that there aren't good LGBT titles. Yes, there's a section for LGBT titles but all that's available there are erotica, erotica and more erotica. Sigh. I emailed the owner some LGBT titles, which I hope he can find for me. In particular, books 4 and 5 of the Mark Manning series of Michael Craft. (As if I don't have a long list of LGBT titles to read right now. Haha! But I want to know what happened to Mark Manning and Neil Waite. Hehe!)

Anyway, so if you're a book lover. Make sure to check out www.avalon.ph.

Thanks, thanks, thanks to Noreen for telling me about this wonderful site.

P.S. I'm now selling my paperback copy of "The Devil Wears Prada" for only P250. I can assure you that it's in very good condition. All my books are wrapped in plastic cover and wrapped in another plastic cover to be protected from dust. Yes, that's how much I love my books.

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  • Tokyo, Japan
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