Here are some photos from the trip to Pinamalayan last Thursday and Friday.
As I have mentioned in a previous entry, we left Manila at 6AM. We reached the Batangas Pier just in time to board the 10:30 barge bound for Calapan. Two hours after boarding, we reached the Calapan port and took another hour's drive to get Pinamalayan.
Just a side note, the whole RORO(roll-on/roll-off) thing is a great idea, actually. You don't have to worry about transprotation once you get to the province you're going to.
Anyway, upon arrival at Pinamalayan, some of my co-workers proceeded to the municipal hall to pay a courtesy call on the Mayor. I, on the other hand, headed to the local hotel where we would stay for the night.
It was right by the seashore, and it had a fantastic view of the sea. Didn't go swimming though. I took advantage of the chance to rest in my room and do something I haven't done in a long time...watch TV. Hahaha!
The following day, we went to the city hall to do our business. There was an awarding ceremony for people who helped the Company when one of our "vehicles" got into major trouble during the time that tropical storm Caloy lashed Pinamalayan.
I met a very interesting person. I say he's interesting because he saved the 13 of the Company's men during this "vehicle" incident. The ironic thing is that very few know about what this guy did. When the media went over to Pinamalayan after the storm, they just took a footage of the "vehicle" and left. They didn't even interview the guy responsible for the saving of 13 lives. I'll write about this guy in another entry.
After the awarding ceremony, we left for Manila.We were in Batangas by 5 in the afternoon, and back in Manila by 9PM. I had a difficult time going home. Waited for about an hour to get a cab. I thought it would be easy to get one because it's already a bit late, but then it was a Friday night.
So that's it for my first inter-island assignment with the Company. I hope there'll be more. And I hope that some of these would be inter-continental too. Hahaha! Wish!
This is it for now.
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