Layers, Channels and Paths and (Almost) Everything Photoshop

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I attended two trainings yesterday at the Graphic Expo held at the Philippine Trade Training Center in Buendia.

The session in the morning was “ABCs of Photoshop CS2,” while the afternoon session was “Advance Photoshop Techniques.”

The morning session was okay. Most of the topics that were discussed were not that new to me. When I started working for the Company, I had to learn Photoshop on my own. Wait. Don’t get the idea though that I’m good with Photoshop. I’m not. I can manipulate a couple of things but I still am not confident to do design work. I still don’t know hot create a curved line or those shaped texts. Hehehe!

The afternoon session was much, much more enjoyable. The speaker, Mon Miranda, was really great. I should have walked up to him and told him that he’s such a great speaker. I thought I would be sleepy because the class was held in the afternoon, but surprisingly, I was more awake and more attentive.

Uhm, I would have to say though that the whole day training wasn’t enough. I should probably attend those three-day sessions or weeklong sessions. The topics that were covered in the trainings I attended were surely just the tip of the iceberg. There’s still so much more to learn.

Maybe I can ask my manager to send me the intensive training courses next time.

Wait a minute. What am I talking about? Didn’t I apply as a writer for the Company? Hehehe! Just kidding.

When it comes to learning new things, I’m always open to it, whether it’s related to my actual job description or not. Any good new learning is something that people should almost always take advantage of.

Just a bit of trivia, did you know that you could have up to 8,000 layers for a Photoshop project???

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
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