Am I Being Stupid?

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Am I being stupid...

The other day I found out that a friend who started out in the company I'm working for on the same that I did has already resigned.

After only three months.

She told me that she was offered a higher position in another company, which is much closer to home.

I have an inkling though that that wasn't the main reason. I had a feeling that she had frustrations.

When I told this to my manager, she said to me, "O if they offer you the management trainee position, you're free to go but don't just drop everything here, alright?"

This is the nth time my manager mentioned that management trainee position. I don't have an exact idea what the position is, but from what I heard, it's a good one in the sense that the trainees will get to travel and the salary's probably higher.

I told my manager, "I'm not really sure if I'd want to take that position. I wouldn't feel confident handling seamen when I don't have the slightest idea what they have to go through on board the ship."

I added, "Besides, my heart belongs to Corp. Comm. I want to be a Vicky Garchitorena some day."

Am I being stupid for having a decision like this?

Uhm, but who knows, my mind might change some day, huh?

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