I Can Do This Job...

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I just finished reading an article on New York Times about how "closet organizing" is one of the "in" things today in NY.

The way I understood the article, what a closet organizer would do is to, well, make sure that everything in the client's closet is well-arranged and organized. In the article, two closet organizers took photos every single piece of clothing in a client's closet just in case the client gets into an "I have nothing to wear" emergency. The closet organizers also visit the client twice a year just to rotate her clothes, making sure that the clothes for the season are the ones that are most accessible.

And as for the rates, read below:

"Their clients, of course, are among the more affluent of the obsessively organized, and can afford Visual Therapy's services almost as easily as a manicure. (Mr. Lupo and Mr. Garza charge $450 an hour for the daylong sessions typically required to redo a woman's closet and wardrobe; men's sessions, at the same rate, usually last about half as long.)"

$450(!!!) an hour(!!!)


This is something I'm quite sure I can do. I tend to be OC most of the time, after all, and I just can't can't can't stand clutter (although I do find myself cluttered every now and then).

Whose closets would I want to organize? Ehm, initially, I'd have to say - Sharon Cuneta, Gretchen Barretto, Doyee Tumpalan, and Lucy Torres.

Read the NY Times article here.

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