Bringing Hawaii to...

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The company I'm working for had a birthday get-together for the April-May celebrants. I've already attended one of these before, and it was nice to see that the company has activities like this for its employees.

What was extra special about the recent get-together though was that my dept. would already be the one in charge of the program. The HR dept., which used to handle everything before our dept. was separated from HR, was the one in charge of the logistics. There were four of us who were organizing the activity. (Three girls and the only guy, me.)

I told them that I wanted the get-together to have a theme, and since I haven't had a vacation this summer, I might as well bring the vacation (atmosphere) to me. Hahaha! I was thinking Hawaiian, and my manager suggested a luau theme. So a luau theme it was.

The event was also one more baptism of fire for me because I was told that I'd be hosting the program. Hehehe!

Over the weekend, I dragged my Mom and Jean with me to look for props for the program. I was in charge of the leis and the props for the game. Good thing my Mom knew where to get these things. Hehe!

Monday afternoon, we prepared for the affair. All I could say was, "Production ito!"

I got to buy really colorful leis for everyone. Hawaiian music was playing in the background (I love Limewire). The Birthday banner had grass skirts, lifesavers, goggles, and a lost bikini top for decors. The gifts were adorned with leis. (I attached those leis with mini-cards to the gifts all by myself, hah! I'm so proud of those gifts! Hehe!)

Anyway, as soon as all the guests arrived. They were asked to wear the leis to feel the "luau" mood. The program started with an informal introduction of everyone.

The game we prepared was the oh-so-difficult limbo rock. Hehe! It was great seeing everyone get up from their chairs and joining the game. I was able to find "Limbo Rock" in Limewire so that made the game more fun.

The other fun part of the program was the consequences. We asked someone to do a Tahitian dance. Then another person had to dance to "Tiny Bubbles & Pearly Shells." There was someone who had to model a sunscreen lotion. And then another person was asked to do an interpretative dance to The Little Mermaidís Under the Sea.

It was really hilarious. And it was great to see co-workers willing to look foolish in the spirit of fun. Hehe! (Hey, if I had to make a fool out of myself, then so should they. Hehehe!)

To cap the activity, we sang "Happy Birthday" to the celebrants, and cakes were served to everyone.

It was a good birthday get-together I think. Personally, I needed to loosen up more. I was a bit conscious. Maybe in the next get-together, I'll really let go of all apprehensions and be the first person to make a fool out of himself. Hehe!

For the love of the company.

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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