An Afternoon with Christian Lacroix...

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Two of the Pieces on Display (Images via

It was on a Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks ago.

Since there wasn't much to do and the summer heat was just a bit too unbearable, I decided to head to Greenbelt to spend time with myself. Haha! On the way to Greenbelt, I remembered about the Christian Lacroix exhibit at the Ayala Museum. I've been planning to go and see it, but I just haven't found the time until yesterday.

As soon as I reached Makati, I dropped by the Ayala Museum to check out the details of the exhibit. Since there was nothing really planned that afternoon, I bought a ticket and took the elevator to the 4th floor where the exhibit was.

When the elevator opened, I couldn't help but get all excited. I swear this is such an OGT! But who wouldn't get excited? Sixty-three (63!!!) haute couture pieces and a number of pret-a-porter pieces were on display.

At the entrance to the gallery, the original sketches of some of Lacroix's couture pieces were hanging on the wall, a video of previous couture shows was also playing. It was a tease so good that you'd immediately want to go inside the gallery already.

The pieces were not encased in glass, and the reason for this, according to the curator, was to give the viewers a more intimate experience with the pieces. I think I had the most intimate moment with the pieces. Whereas the other viewers would just read the description of the dress, look at it for a minute or two and then move on to the next piece. I wanted to examine every detail and take it all in. I must have looked stupid or weird, because the guards in the exhibit hall would catch me with my face too close to the dresses.

One word. Amazing.

Awww! I was in heaven for about the hour and a half that I was there. You look at a piece, and you can just imagine how many hours of work were put in creating that dress. You can just imagine how talented the people who embroidered, or beaded, or painted the dresses are.

Each piece was really filled with intricate details, and I was just in awe really. Some of the pieces are already more than a decade old, but they still look very much wearable and timeless.

I've never seen such amazing craftsmanship and handwork on a dress. Plus the fabrics that were used would excite any fashion lover - tulle, organza, brocade, crinoline, gazir silk, tweed, chiffon, satin, fur - were all transformed into works of art. (I think that haute couture pieces are not just dresses. They're really works of art, when you see them up close and personal. No wonder they cost tens of thousands of dollars.)

In addition to the pieces, there were also a number of other artworks by 15 contemporary artists.

(Suki, don't hate me. I didn't ask anyone to go with me because I didn't want you or anyone to be waiting for me. You know I hate making other people wait.)

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  • Tokyo, Japan
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