I've been thinking about how my first entry for this new blog should go. And frankly, it has been difficult.
Did I want it to be dramatic? Did I want it to be funny? How did I want it to sound? Do I want to be good enough to be featured in a daily, or perhaps inspiring enough that it would make me write a book?
Now that I'm writing this entry, I am now starting to see how this first entry should go -
And so I think it is fitting that this blog and this first entry is entitled, "Where to Now?" because that's the real situation I am in right now.
As several friends would know, a lot of things have happened in the past couple of months. Some of these things were expected and welcome. Others took me by surprise. I wasn't prepared for the deluge of all these events, and it has left me questioning myself and the Big Guy up there, "Where to Now?"
I have been emotionally wandering around these past few weeks, just trying to sort things out, hoping to see what the next step should be. It hasn't been easy but I am slowly trying to find myself and where I should be heading. There have been mistakes, but we're all allowed to make some, right? There are friends to thank. There is a Big Guy and Our Lady to thank more - for the guidance and for the friends they've sent over at the darkest hours.
Now that I've started to blog again, I see this as a sign of taking another step forward. There have been several good and not so good things that happened recently, and I'll be posting them really soon.
I don't know what the next few weeks, month, years hold (who does?) but I guess the only thing to do is just keep on taking the next step forward. There may be time when falling down would happen, but it's all part of the journey, right?
I guess the important thing is to always keep yourself in check, asking for directions from trusted people, and constantly asking...
"Where to now?"
If you'd like to see the past, go
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