Loving These...

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As most people close to me would know, I have a thing for bags. I don't know. I think it all began back in high school. I remember skipping lunch and doing some extra work just to be able to purchase a bag that I like. In college, I kind of stopped buying bags. When I started earning, then the collection began again. Haha!

I don't know. I think a bag is a security blanket for some people. We'd feel naked and vulnerable without it.

Lately, I've been having a thing for totes, especially big ones. Tote bags are just so convenient. If you're in a hurry, you just dump everything in the bag and you can go. No need to open and close zippers, no need to rearrange stuff because of limited space, no need to change bags that often (unless it's another tote).

Here are some bags which I am currently loving, but unfortunately, are just way beyond my budget. Haha!

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Prada Scamosciato: I saw a Japanese guy carrying this bag in Malate. I thought it looked cute. And then I saw the very familiar inverted triangle logo on the side of the bag. Aaah! Prada! I couldn't help but think, "Mrs. Prada, you've done it again!"

What I love about this bag is that it's colorful and playful. It's perfect for weekends or maybe casual Fridays at work. And it's actually one of the best bags for summer I think.

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Chloe: Whether you're a Chloe fan who wants a souvenir from the Phoebe Philo era or just a plain bag-aholic, I think this Chloe tote is one that would look great to a bag collection.

Does it look too feminine? I think the color and the grommets give it a hint of masculinity. And if you'll notice, the structure of the bag is quite simple but sturdy and this is one of the reasons why I like it. Plus it's not slouchy at all, so you wouldn't have to worry about straightening it up so often. Haha! You can carry it to the office, and then you can bring it to dinner with friends on a weeknight.

Believe it or not, you can have this authentic Chloe for P9,000. (Still shocking for many, but trust me, that's cheap already for Chloe.)Ask me where. Hehe!

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Hermes Birkin: No explanation needed for this one. Here is the venerable bag on the first issue of Men's Vogue. Many would probably ask if a guy would even consider purchase this. (We're not even talking about using it.) But hey, if you could afford it, then go for it. Hermes has finally given the male species a Birkin, be thankful for that. Haha!

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Team Manila Tote: Who says patriotism is uncool or too old fashioned? Not with Team Manila. Loving the Team Manila people and their work. Here's one tote you can proudly carry around whether in Manila or abroad. I like it because it lets the carrier show off her/his Pinoy pride, while making him/her still look modern and unique. Pinoys stand out, they say. You'd surely stand out more when you carry this. And the price isn't bad at all. I've been eyeing one, and I'm crossing my fingers that I can get it really soon. Haha!

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And of course, the Prada messenger bag, which is still on top of my wish list. I got a source where I can get an authentic one for the fraction of the original price, but no need to get this yet. There are other immediate "stuff" that need to be addressed. Haha!

I'm still convincing someone to sell me his pre-owned Prada messenger, and I'm hoping he'll already budge. Hint, hint! You know who you are. Haha!

Alright, so these are my favorites right now (except for the Prada messenger, which shall always be a favorite. I love it because it's classic and timeless!). I'm sure there are a lot more other bags that are also as gorgeous (or even more), but these are my choices.

What are yours?

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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