Never Too Late...

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Got this from Chari who got it from Rony and Bam....

I've been wanting to do this list, but I had to end my old blog and it took some time before I started this one.


Name ten of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not use things that someone else has already used.

In no particular order:

1. Finding a good LGBT book or movie title in any of the local stores...

2. Getting a copy of a must-have Vogue issue at half the price...

3. Meeting amazing people in rural areas who shall be namelesss to millions, but are very much deserving to be honored and celebrated (compared to so many people we always see on the papers and unfortunately, are considered by many as "role models"...)

4. Looking at old photos...whether it's your baby pics, your elementary school pics, or your college's always nice to look back at the past to see how you've changed as a person...

5. Playing with kids...whether it's my nephews and nieces or the kids from the institutions...they bring so much joy all the time...

6. Hearing someone say "Thank you..." or "Please..." People rarely use these words nowadays.

7. Having a friend you can trust to be there for you when you're carrying the weight of the world...

8. Spending a weekend by isn't bad at can take doing things as long as you want, without having to worry that your companion is already getting bored....

9. Having a good dinner after a long, stressful day.

10. Reading long emails from friends living abroad...

Wow, I'm already done with the list?! I have so much more to add. This is why I love stuff like this. I get to ponder on things I don't get to think about during my usual schedule.

Uhm, who do I tag to do this list too? I don't want to pressure anyone so I'll leave it up to you if you want to do this or not.

But please leave a message if you do plan to come up with your own list, so that I can go read them.

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  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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