Ralph Lauren and Capone's...

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Last Thursday evening, Suki and I attended the launch of Ralph Lauren's Polo Black for Men. It was held at Mati in Rockwell. I wasn't really supposed to attend the event, heck I didn't even know about it, until Suki called me Thursday morning asking me to go to the event. (I was fourth on his list. Hehe! It's okay.)

Anyway, I said yes since this was the only time that I get to attend a social event again. Hehe! The dress code for the party was hip black, and I was wearing a pink long-sleeved polo that day. Haha! Good thing I got my brother to bring some clothes. Hehe!

Uhm, the event was okay. What I really enjoyed the most was the pasta dish I ordered. I was so hungry that night I finished it by myself. Haha! The other thing I enjoyed was the free booze. I had a good two (or three) glasses of white wine. Everything else was the usual - the same set of people, the same kind of gimmicks, the same everything.

The real highlight of that night was going to Capone's in Salcedo Village. It's a straight bar! After the Ralph Lauren thing, Suki and I picked up Richie from his house and then headed to Capone's for (more) drinks, and to meet Suki's friend, Chiqui (I'm not sure if the spelling is correct). I swear this girl is SO pretty. I met her at Suki's volleyball championship game in Brent ages ago, and when I saw her, I'm like, "Suki, she's really pretty ah." Alright, I'm not turning straight here. Just to be clear.

Edsel and Roy also dropped by to join us a bit. It was great seeing those two boys together. I'm glad that they're doing well, and that they're friends again.

That's it!

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
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