A New Mall, The Sea, and A Lost Movie...

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I finally got to visit the newly opened Mall of Asia.

After some work yesterday, I met up with Suki, Richie, Jigs, and Frances at this latest gigantic structure to rise in the city.

I dragged a sick Jon along with me. It was his birthday the other day, and I told him we should celebrate it with X-Men. Too shy to meet my friends (or probably just too phobic to be seen with four queers), he decided to just walk around the mall while I had my meeting.

By the time we met up again, the sick got worse. It was probably from too much walking around, and fatigue from being around too many people. Hence, the movie plan was dropped, and instead we just headed to the nearby Blue Wave complex to have some good food. It turned out to be much better, since the place wasn’t crowded at all, and we were the only people in the restaurant where we ate. Afterwards, we just decided to go home, which again turned out to be a good idea because early that night, it rained really hard. Had we stayed and watched a movie, I’m quite sure I’ll have a very sick friend.

Anyway, about Mall of Asia, what can I say but it really is an SM? You’d think that because it is in a somewhat secluded area, there’d be less people, but no. It felt like all the people from SM North Edsa to SM Makati suddenly went to Mall of Asia. Haaayyy!

Perhaps the only enjoyable part of the mall was the rear section – a string of coffee shops and restaurants facing the sea. That one was really, really nice. We had our meeting at Café Breton, which gave us a magnificent view of the horizon.

I also forgot, but the iMax looks also interesting. Jon and I were supposed to try it, but we figured his temperature might shoot up even more. Hehe!

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  • Tokyo, Japan
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