Sick Little Boy...
Published Friday, July 07, 2006 by Clayman | E-mail this post
Feeling under the weather.
I’ve been feeling sick since the other day. And today, it has gotten much worse. I woke up around 3 in the morning, because I could feel my throat hurting. I had to change positions. But that didn’t help much because I already found it difficult to go back to sleep.
I woke up again at 4:45AM. My blanket was wrapped around my neck. I probably half consciously put the blanket around my neck while I was falling back to asleep. Too lazy to get up to get a sweater from the closet, so I just used the blanket as a muffler instead. Hehe! One of these days, that blanket’s probably going to suffocate me and my folks would think I killed myself when they find my cold corpse in the morning. Hehehe!
Anyway, I feel terrible today. I have the snuffles. And I feel like some hairy object is lodged in my throat.
Been drinking lots of fluids though. And I’ve doubled the dosage of Vit. C I’m taking. Also got Strepsils from the drug store at the ground floor of our building.
I hope this wouldn’t get any worse. Hope you’re feeling much better.
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