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It means Do not rescuscitate. That's the situation.

I got a most distressing text message, yesterday afternoon, while I was on my way to meet the Kid.

Mang Yoyong, our ever-reliable driver and all-around man at Pahinungod and a good friend, had a stroke. He was in Quezon for a medical mission with Ate Beng, when he had the stroke. Ate Beng was on the way back to Manila with Mang Yoyong.

I headed to the Pahinungod office. Yang and Karen were at the ER waiting for the arrival. Charmaine and I stood by at the office. As soon as we got word that Mang Yong has arrived, we went to the ER to help getting supplies. It was a good thing that there were about 5 of us. One person can get this, while another person waited for more instructions. Still another person waited for Mang Yoyong's wife.

It wasn't after almost an hour that I got into the ER, and saw Mang Yong.

He was unconscious, all sorts of tubes were attached to his forearms and his nose. A friend of Ate Linda, pumped the ambubag that helped Mang Yong breathe. The moment Ate Linda saw me, she came over and was just crying very hard. During these moments, I try not to cry and just be strong. Ate Linda held my hand, and you could feel her tension with the way she held my hand. I just hugged her and tried to look for some words of comfort.

But really, what can you say during these moments?

When Mang Yoyong's son arrived, Karen, Ate Beng, Marian and I stayed at the Pahinungod office, just in case the doctors needed something. It was really a blessing that Lia was easily contacted by Ate Beng. She immediately responded and attended to Mang Yoyong.

This morning, I went home to get some rest before going back to hospital. And that's when I got the text that the doctors and Mang Yong's family have decided to do a DNR.

Let's just pray for Mang Yong and his family.

Mang Yong, you'll be missed very much.

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  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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