I've Had It With You...

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Sometimes, you think that you can just keep on taking shit, but there is that moment when you say, “That’s it. I’ve had it with you.”

A friend of mine had this moment early this week, and I’m sort of happy that she already had this “moment.”

For a couple of months now, my friend has been in a one-way relationship with this guy. I think the two of them met at an out of town activity. The two hit it off (as friends), and when they got back to Manila, they exchanged numbers so they can get together.

Since then, the two have been meeting up every now and then. It started out with coffee at Starbucks. Then came dinners. From time to time, they would also watch movies.

While my friend enjoyed every minute that she spent with the guy, she also noticed that it was always her who would initiate meeting up. She would regularly text the guy to ask if he’d like to watch a movie, to have coffee or to go to dinner.

My friend told me that she knows she can’t have a relationship with the guy because the latter was in some sort of relationship. (It’s a weird situation. The guy says he has a girlfriend, but never talks about her. One would easily think that he’s single because he hardly mentions his girlfriend.)

Anyway, what my friend has been complaining about lately is that the guy takes her for granted. They would engage in a text conversation, and all of a sudden, the guy just suddenly doesn’t reply anymore. Sometimes, my friend would text the guy but the guy would send a reply the following day already.

Last Wednesday, the two of them were supposed to visit a common friend together. The guy told her they’d go together. When it was almost five and the guy still hasn’t texted, my friend asked him where he was. Only then did the guy tell him that he was still in some faraway place, and that he wouldn’t make it to my friend’s office at five.

This really pissed my friend, so she just decided to go ahead to the person they were supposed to visit together. On her way, the guy would text her to ask where she already was. Half of her did not want to reply just so he can have a taste of his own medicine, while the other half said she should reply just to be the bigger person. And she did reply.

Later that night, when they were already together, my friend had the courage to tell the guy that she was pissed with him. The guy was totally clueless. Aughhh!!! When they left the friend they visited, the guy insisted that he’ll bring my friend home (he was probably feeling guilty.) My friend was like, “Where are you going? Why are you bringing me home?” The ending that night was that my friend insisted she didn’t need to be brought home.

My friend talked to me the following day, telling me how pissed she was over what happened. She said she wrote an email for the guy just to tell him how she felt. I don’t really know what to tell my friend. It seems to me like she knows what to do, but she just couldn’t do it yet. I hate seeing her get hurt and all, but what help would I be if she doesn’t want to help herself.

But with what happened last Wednesday, I have a feeling that that would really push my friend to do what she has to do.

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