HR Person for A Day...

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The Company joined the PDI Job Expo a couple of weeks ago.

I went with Cathy and some of the Recruitment people to help fix the booth, and to take photos of people visiting our booth.

Cathy and I left the office at 7.30AM. We got to Glorietta at 8.30AM. That gave us a good two hours to prepare the booth. The original plan was that the Recruitment people would arrive at Glorietta at the same time that Cathy and I did. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, they arrived much later.

Cathy and I ended up setting up the booth, which was okay because there were two helpful people who gave us a hand in putting up our tarps.

At 10AM, the mall opened and so did the job expo. Uhm, it was my first time to be a participant in a job expo and I didn't think that there would be that many people!!! People were flocking to our booth, all hoping that they could get a job from one of our many businesses. Sigh. I wish there was a job for everyone who gave their resume.

Anyway, I thought I would only just be helping out with setting up the booth and take pictures, but when I saw how many people were visiting our booth, I found myself putting down my camera and helping out in fixing our brochures, handing them out and receiving resumes.

It was tiring. But it was also fun. That was quite an experience, and I would have to say it was a good one.

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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