There are Still a Few of 'Em...

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It's no surprise that straight men are also victims of stereotyping.

One of my girl friends is getting married next year to her boyfriend of two years or so. And I wonder why it has to take something like this for other people to bring out their feelings.

Over lunch last week, she asked me to read a text message that one of her guy friends sent to her.

The guy was telling my friend that he's always had a thing for my friend, and that he loved her from a distance.

Weeks before that, another guy friend told her that he had strong feelings for her. Actually, my friend found out about the guy's feeling from another friend. (The guy recently "left.") My friend found out that similar to the guy mentioned above, this guy loved her from a distance. In fact, when he found out that she was getting married, he cried for a week over her. She also found out that the reason why the guy wouldn't hang out with them sometimes was because he gets hurt seeing my friend together with her boyfriend.

To make things more complicated, this guy was the best friend of my friend's husband-to-be.

Here's another story shared with me.

A gay friend has had feelings for this straight guy for the longest time. They were good friends, I think. During a recent out of town trip, he managed to profess his true feelings for his straight guy friend.

I've almost always had this thought that doing such a thing would be enough for the straight guy to run away and take the next trip bound for home.

But in this situation, the straight guy just broke the stereotypes of straight men.

He said that he was flattered and all, but the thing that really struck a cor. He didn't have the capacity to love beyond. He also said that if he ever did one day find himself falling for another guy, it would be the gay friend.

Sure, it may sound like the guy was just offering words of consolation, but you have to give him major, major pogi points for doing it in the most sensitive way.

It's good to know that there are still straight men like these.

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