A Much Enjoyed Late Night...

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I don't remember the last time I was out till two in the morning. Lately, my night life, if you can call it a night life, has been nothing but movies, dinner, maybe coffee, before heading home and hitting the sack before midnight.

But the other day, it was already past 1AM and yet, I was still wide awake and enjoying the company of friends who I haven't seen for a long time.

It started in the afternoon. Roy and I met up at Mall of Asia, where we watched Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros. I already saw the film when it was shown last year, but I didn't mind watching it again because it is a good film. After the movie, we had dinner at Baang Coffee, followed by walking around the mall. I ended up buying the Madonna cover issue of Out (it was on sale), two issues of Vogue (they were on sale), and two pillows from Sleepcare (they were also on sale). Grrrrr!!! Bad Angelo. I should be saving for a vacation.

After several hours of walking and buying unnecessary items, Roy and I decided to go grab cheap dessert at Go Nuts Donuts.

From Mall of Asia, we moved to Greenbelt where we met up with Suki, Richie and Edsel at Mezze. All the restaurants and bars at Greenbelt 2 were full you wouldn't think it was already close to midnight.

Anyway, we just chatted while enjoying our drinks. I had two bottles of San Mig Light and I didn't even feel a buzz. Damn it! Haha!

A little before 2AM, we decided to leave Greenbelt 2. Suki and Richie had to go to another party, Edsel was in the mood for Government, I was ready to go home. Hahaha!

After Roy dropped me off at 6750, I decided to walk to Makati Stock Exchange. I could have gotten a cab at 6750, but I thought I could use the walk. Weird as it may sound, walking down the deserted streets of Makati at night is kind of therapeutic for me. Some may find it gloomy, but I find it to be a chance to just think.

Got home by 3AM. It was a good night.

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  • Tokyo, Japan
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