Blow the Candles...

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Yesterday was the birthday celebration of three dear friends from work - Weng, Cathy and Shy.

They hosted a lunch party at their office, and friends from other departments joined the get-together.

Weng brought delicious pasta, while the rest of the mouth-watering dishes were prepared by another friend.

Things were quite toxic that day so the birthday lunch also served as a very short breather. Hahaha!

As I've said earlier, the celebrants are three dear friends at work.

Weng is a manager, but you'll never be scared to approach her. She has a petite frame, but she has the most boisterous voice in their department. She is always a source of energy in get-togethers, and everyone just enjoys being with her. Of course, she's also dear to me because we came from the same university and with the same degree. Hahaha!

Cathy is the one responsible why I and another hundred people have jobs with the Company. She was the one who interviewed me, and she processed my papers. Oftentimes, I forget that she's still very young because she looks mature (in a very good way) for her age. People like her because like Weng, she is also fun and full of life.

Shy is one of the very few Maria Claras walking on the face of the earth. Hahaha! She's very softspoken, and she never gets angry (or I have yet to see her get mad). Because of her simple beauty, she's been gotten as a face of the Company posing for the different marketing collaterals of the Company. Hehehe! She is much liked by everyone for a lot of reasons. I like her because we shared a common experience this year. Hahaha!

When I took this corporate job, one of my biggest apprehensions was finding true friends. The corporate environment is just so different. I have no idea who I can trust, and who's just being nice because we need each other.

But these three ladies are among the very few who I'm quite sure are really friends. I couldn't be more grateful for having met them.

Happy birthday, Weng, Cathy and Shy!

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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