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There was this huge white lion when I visited the Pahinungod office a couple of days ago.

It was the cutest and it looked so pure because it was all white.

Jean told me it was for one of the volunteer teachers who is currently deployed in the province.

Since it was just too cute and I was feeling goofy, hence the pictures.



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Alright, I was in Corregidor because the children's chorale of the Company had a singing engagement at the Corregidor Hotel.

The kids were asked to serenade hotel guests while the latter enjoyed their lunch.

So you see, the trip to Corregidor was more of a volunteer thing because I sort of babysitted.

The kids and I had only about an hour for a tour around the island, and because the time was so short, we didn't get to see much. Neither did we have enough time to really enjoy the places that we got to go to.

It was a good trip though and I plan to go back to historic Corregidor so I can really visit the different landmarks, especially the laterals found inside the Malinta Tunnel.


About me

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
  • My profile

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