Birthday Celebrations 2 and 3...

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Last Sunday, I had celebration #2 all by myself. That's how I wanted it. I wanted to spend time alone on my special day.

Though I've been lately spending much of my time by myself, the Sunday thing was special because it was my birthday.

I went to Mass, I watched this performance, I went to the spa, I had a good dinner, and then I bought some stuff for celebration #3.

After the YWCA party and celeb #2, yesterday I had birthday celebration #3 at work.

Uhm, I just served lunch to close friends at work. It was extra special because the whole thing was a family effort. My Mom was the chief cook. My two brothers assisted her and brought the food to the office. My Dad was the runner for last minute missing ingredients. I took care of the groceries, the giveaways and the lootbags, the decors of the office (yes! I decorated our office. That's what you get when you're Kapampangan and homo. Hahaha!).

Whew! I didn't expect my 27th birthday to be this tiring. But I have no one else to blame but myself for all these "toxicities." Hehehe!

It's all fun though and very memorable. Hearing my friends praise the cooking of my Mom just made me happy. And then seeing my colleagues look like excited kids at a kiddie birthday party when I brought out the lootbags was also really enjoyable and memorable.

So that's basically how my birthday went. (Hmm, for my birthday next year, I'll just go and get a vacation. Hehe!)

Thank you Lord for another year!!! Thank you to all the well-wishers!!! Thank you to all who helped make the YWCA party a success!!! Thank you for the gifts!!!

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  • Clayman
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.
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