"Shopping" at Divisoria...

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Went to Divisioria this afternoon together with Karen.

I needed to go there to buy some stuff for a party this Saturday, and since Karen knows where I could buy a lot of good stuff at a very low price, I asked her to join me.

We met up at 5.30PM near the Pahinungod office, and took a jeep to Divisoria. It's good that it's already sem break because there was no traffic at all.

By the time we got to Divisoria, stores were starting to close. Yaiks!!! We had to move fast. Thankfully, we found one store that was still open and had a lot of really good stuff - pens, papers, pencil cases, wallets, coin purses, scarves, hankies, badges, pins, hair accessories, and so on and so forth. It was perfect.

In a way, it was also good that Karen and I got there when the store was near its closing time. Otherwise, I would have been tempted to buy more than what was on my list. Hehehe!

From Divisoria, we brought the stuff to the office. Tomorrow, need to make gift bags and assemble goodie bags.

Whew! Toxic. Hay birthdays! Hehehe!

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