Location Shoots for Work...
Published Saturday, August 05, 2006 by Clayman | E-mail this post
Shooting Front Office...
Some Tricks I Learned from Icon...
Shooting at the Kitchen...
I'm Hungry...
Pastry Lab Location...
Some of the Wonderful Pastry Creations...
Happy Boy After the Shoot...
What has been occupying most of my time for the past week was preparing for a two-day photo shoot.
The company will be opening a school soon, and we did the photo shoot for the marketing collaterals of the school.
Uhm, the shoot was quite an experience because I had to do most of the coordination for the shoot. And let me tell you, location shoots are such a logistical nightmare. (I can imagine Suki saying, "Now, you know.") There were just too many things to take care of, and up until the last minute something happens. For the Friday shoot, our location was in the Company's school in Cavite, while today it was in one of the hotels in the Malate area.
The two-day shoot almost didn't push through, and I was informed of this after I've booked the photographers and the makeup artists, after I've searched for talents (I had to look for talents within the company, because we're doing this on a "thank you" basis. And 15 talents aren't that easy to look for.)
But thankfully, the shoot proceeded and although there were glitches here and there, I'm just glad we're done with it.
I just hope the final deciding person would like the photos as much as we did.
Much thanks to people who helped out, especially Suki and Kate for referring our amazing makeup artists and photographer.
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