Loved the TJB Trilogy...

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I've finally finished reading the Timothy James Beck trilogy - It Had to be You, He's the One, and I'm Your Man.

And I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed all three books. I have seen the novels on the shelves of National Bookstore, and later on Power Books, but it was Zandro who made me buy the books. Stupid me for not having picked up the books way before, because they were such good reads.

If I had to rank the three books according to my most favorite to so-so favorite, it would be He's the One, I'm Your Man, and It Had to Be You.

It Had to Be You was an enjoyable read, because it's about starting a relationship. But before that, finding out whether the guy is or is not "one of us." Hehehe! Stories of budding relationships are always an enjoyable read.

I'm Your Man is my second favorite because I could relate to it right now, except for the last few chapters. I don't want to go into the details of the book because I'm afraid of spoiling it for people who read my blog and who plan to read the book.

I guess He's the One is my most favorite because there were twists in the story that kept me turning the page. I mean yeah, I love, love, love the story of Blaine and Daniel in the other two books, but in He's the One, I had to keep on reading to figure out what would happen to Adam. Of all the characters in the trilogy, it was also Adam who I found most adorable because he seemed to be the ideal guy, at least for me. He seems to be mature, but could still be a little boy. He has a beautiful heart, thoughtful of others. He manages his own business. He loves the countryside. He has a good sense of humor. He has a very warm family.

Everything that would really make you say, "He's the one..."

But as I've said earlier, all three novels are great reads. Once you pick up the first novel, you just couldn't wait to finish it so that you can start on the next and the third. The way the novels were written makes you feel that you're reading about the lives of old friends who you can't be with, because you're in another country at the moment. The authors - Timothy Lambert, Becky Cochrane, Jim Carter, Timothy Forry - are able to include the reader in the lives of Blaine, Daniel, Adam, Jeremy, Ethan, Sheila, Josh, Martin, Ken, Gretchen, and the people who surround them.

If you’re looking for a good gay lit read, I highly recommend TJB’s trilogy.

P.S. They also have a new novel “Someone Like You.”

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